Al-Qur’an: Linguistics and Culture Involve In Research and Other Fields of Science
A.Introduction of Language
Everybody, whether Candidate Scholars, Scholars, Scientists, or Layman always ask somebody or themselves: When does firstly the language appear in the World, especially in the verbal skill? And probably then they also ask: Why is language learnt by interested people ? How is language related to other fields of science? Many questions arise from their minds.
If we observe the Heavens and the Earth, no one in the World is able to create them except Allah S.W.T., as the creator of whole Mankind and all Species in this Earth. If we hear and listen various languages or dialects used by people in various Regions, Cities, and Countries in the World, it is Miracle for us. Therefore, questions Rise in our mind! Where do they derive from, or who does create the Languages or dialects exist in the World? These the main problems must be thought over by us as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientists, or others. I am as a Writer, when I read Al-Qur’an in the midnight (Sept,2005), I found that Allah S.W.T., firstly created the various Languages in the World. To convince this can be read in His revelations below.
According to Al-Qur’an (Al-Baqarah/the Cow:Revealed at-Al-Madinah):
“Allah S.W.T., taught Adam Prophet all the names, then showed them to the Angels, saying: inform me of the names of these, if you are truthfully.”
“They said: Be glorifield! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise.”
“He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the Heavens and the Earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide.”
The Romans (Revealed at Mecca): And if His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours.Lo! herein indeed are portents for men of knowledge.”
From above revelations of Allah S.W.T., the next revelations also came up to the last Prophet is Muhammad S.W.T., as the first event occurred in him as stated in Al-Qur’an as follows.
The first revelation came to Muhammad S.A.W Prophet (Rasulullah ) when he was forty years old. He was asleep or in a Trance in the Cave “Hira’” when he heard a voice say:“Read!” He said: “I can not read.” The voice again said: “Read!” He said: “I can not
read.” A third time the voice, more terrible, commanded:“Read!” He said: “What can I read? The voice said:
“Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth.
“Createth man from a clot.
“Read: And it is thy Lord the most Bountiful.
“Who teacheth by the pen,
“Teacheth man that which he knew not.”
Therefore, based on the God’s revelations above as He said to Adam Prophet and Muhammad Prophet, it is clear that various Languages in the World are created by the God. However, we are as human only to develop the Languages used by us depending on situation and condition, social status, geography, and the community where the Languages are. Moreover, as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientist, or others who are interested in a or more Language studies, they are expectedly to be able to find out Language studies in community whether individually, in pairs, groups, or others that can be supported the development of Languages as Regional visions, Cities, Countries.
Language studies can also be considered not only for Teaching and Learning processes in the formal setting, but those can be benefits as Linguistic Contributions, as well as to retain and promote them in the forms of writing to the global world. In other words, still many Languages or dialects with different colours in the World are still not studied yet by us or any Scholars, so that we do not know how the forms, systems, styles, etc., of them, especially in written forms (Seno H.Putra, 2001-2004, and Orasi Ilmiah Diestalis UIR, 2004).
Even though Language is various symbol systems derived from lungs, throut, vocal cords, devices of mouth which can be performed to produce various sounds or phonemes in the combinations of consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes to perform morphemes/words, sentences, discourses, etc., of human communications. Therefore, verbally, Language is not only to send messages from speaker to listener, however, it is also as devices used in Science and Technology (Seno H.Putra, 2004).
B. Culture in Linguistics , but Not Linguistics in Culture
I do apologize to everybody who involves in Linguistic Fields, Cultural fields (Anthropology), and others if I criticize them, such as Prof.Dr.Boas; Prof.Dr.Sapir; Prof.Dr.Chomsky; Prof.Dr.Liemkiat boy; Prof.Dr.Chaika; Prof.Dr.Koencara Ningrat, etc., locally scholars, National Scholars, and International Scholars, but not Language in Culture, Culture in Linguistics. In here, I want to analog (Compare) My Hypotheses with/to other Scholars inside or outsiders’hypotheses that can be presented as follows:
Other Scholars’ Hypotheses (Language is a part of Culture)
Seno’s Hypothesis (Culture is a part of Language)
(I ask the Scholars to consider the two comparative Hypotheses: Which hypothesis is accepted or rejected?)
Critically, to argue some experts, here I disagree that Language is a part of Culture, but my assumption said that “Culture is a part of Language”. Why is it so? In my mind that language firstly appeared in the World rather than Culture, since culture exists because of the creations of human according to social norms, values, and ethics of the community. Other argumentations from my mind, no Culture mentioned by the God in Al-Qur’an, but only “Language” as Revelations above. Therefore, I recommend that “Culture is a part of Language”, but not Language is a part of Culture as mentioned by many people. And Also to Prof.Dr.Darwin, I argue his hypothesis that “Human is derived from, or looks like Monkey”, but “Human created by the God derived from Land as Adam Creation” (See Al Hijr-28). Moreover, Human created by the God has more potential, innate capacity, Science and Technology, as well as Culture rather than Monkey (animals). In terms of using Language, human develops the Language starting from child untill old, where the Language used by them more development than animals, not only in the systems, rules, and pronunciation, but also in the uses of vocabulary (words), etc.
C. Linguistics in Fields of Science
When we talk over about Linguistics, perhaps we think that only to speak, to write, or only to talk one another. In fact, this is not in such way. Linguistics is also similar to other sciences, even this Language firstly appeared in the World if we compare to other sciences. In other words, no Language whether verbally or non-verbally, no other sciences. So, we are as human must think it over logically, that Linguistics encompasses other branches which can be related to other fields, for examples; Phonology is the science that we study about sounds of Human can also refer to physics and arts; Syntax is the science that We study about arrangements (rules/reconstructions) of the words/morphemes, phrases to perform well sentences into discourse and text can also indicate to Mathematical systems; Morphology is the science that We study about how words formation derived from (stem/root) becomes words classification which have lexical and contextual meanings can also modify Morphological plantation and Economical systems ; Psycholinguistics is the science that we study about Language behavior/mentality individually, in pair, group, etc., that can also refer to the biological processes; Semantics is the science that we study about the meanings of Language involve in words, phrases, sentences, symbols and signals verbally and non-verbally indicate to technological systems; Socio linguistics is the science that we study about Language and dialects used by people in community, in which it tends to Language, Culture, and Sociology; Discourse is the science that we study how we understand the ungrammatical sentences, symbols, and signals through out the Language used by different colours (people); and Pragmatics is the science that we study how sentences or discourses somehow can be interpreted by certain semantics and syntax.
C. Explanations of Linguistic Science
1.What is Phonology?
Phonology is the science that we study about normal Human speeches (sounds) in verbal skills both specifically and universally. Furthermore, the word of Phonology can be separated into terms: {phone} means (sounds + logy) is science, so, Phonology is the science of Human sounds in Language. Clearly, see the diagram (1) below.
Human sounds encompass several devices which can produce Linguistic corpuses, for examples, sounds, phonemes, morphemes/words, phrases, sentences, clauses, and texts. The processes of air stream production go out through the lungs, throut, mouth which also consists of teeth, tongue, palate, larynk, lips, etc., that can be performed to become consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes of a language. Clearly, see the diagram (2) below.
2. Why is Phonology learned by Language Students?
In Teaching Learning Processes in the classroom, many fenomena found by us as teachers when the beginners (Students) learn foreign Languages, in here especially English. The problems encountered by us, for examples, (1) Some Consonants of English compared to Indonesian are unfamiliar one another; (2) a few of Vowels of English do not appear in Indonesian; (3) several Diphthongs of English are also different from Indonesian; (4) Supra-segmental phonemes of English are not found in Indonesian; (5) many words of English are sometimes different forms from one another, but sometimes they are the same as abstractness; and so fourth. Therefore, those cases are the main focus must be made out by language students and English teachers in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. To overcome the problems of learning in the classroom are considered not only throughout pronunciation solutions, but also those must be studied and analyzed throughout Phonological Analysis of both forms and abstractness of a Language.
4. Relation between Sounds and Sentences
In my hyphotesis, I add morphology after phonology, since in the processes of performing the sentences of each language in the world, we need morphemes/words before construction to be well sentences. We can not directly jump to syntax. Therefore, I ask other Scholars to thiik it over: Which hypothesis is accepted?).
Sounds [p], [b], [c], [d], [f], [v], [n], [m], etc in Consonants can not stand alone, and they do not have a meaning at all. However, they must be combined with Vowels to perform morphemes/words. Example, [c] + [h] + [a] + [i] + [r] = Chair. {Chair} means one morpheme and has a meaning (something used for sit). In the word of ‘Chair’ consists of (three consonants and two vowels). In other words, Chair has 6 letters in surface (form), and /t∫eəi:(r)/ has 5 sounds in abstractness (Deep).
5. Morphophonology
There are a few of syllables found into English morphemes/words which can be performed to become their own syllables according to lexical meanings. Semantically, syllable of each word/morpheme of English can also modify differences to its own meaning. In this case, clearly information can be looked up and read in the Dictionary. In addition to this, each of which can be constituency to perform tree - diagram and to find out its elements based on the surface and abstractness forms.
6. Morphology
As stated above, Morphology is a part of Linguistics studies about the formation of words derived from stem/root as seen in a tree formation. Example can be seen below.
From the root of {kind} can be perfomed into three classes of words, such as Adjective Phrase, Verb Phrase, and Noun Phrase based on the affixation processes. The formula exists in the forms of [#/Suf+R=VP/#]> [#/+R+Suf=NP/#]>[#/Pr+R+Suf/#]=VP.
7. Syntax
Syntax is the science studies about the constructions of morphemes/words of Language to perform well sentences based on rules or systems of the Native Speaker. In other words, a good sentence in Syntax must be connected with rules, systems, logic, surface and deep structures. See the example of tree diagram and bracket below.
Compare two Sentences below:
From the forms (surface), both sentences are the same structure, rules, and systems. Or in short, those sentences have (NP.1)+(VP)+(NP.2).However, according to Deep (Abstractness), semantically and logically, the sentence no.1 is more accepted by us, because according to Islam, Male proposes Female before wedding party (married Couple), not Female proposes Male. So, eventhough two sentences above have particular meanings semantically, sentence no.1 is more logic.So, in a Language, logic is also needed to analyze words, sentences, clauses, text, etc.
8. Other Branches or fields of Science in Linguistics
Besides above fields of science in Linguistics, there are several branches of Linguistics must be known and learned by us, i.e., Psycholinguistics refers to behavior of Language and innate capacity of Human called “as neurological language”; Socio linguistics or Sociology of language refers to “How the people use Language in community”; Discourse Analysis refers to “What and How to analyze the spoken and written forms of Language”; Linguistics in Education modifies that “How the theory of Linguistics can be applied and educated in Teaching and Learning processes; Applied Linguistics indicates that “Every Language consists of skills as used by human in daily life, etc.
9. Conclusion and Recommendation
Even though Linguistics with its branches has important role is not only in Teaching Learning processes, but also it can be Science and Technology, as well as the Civilization. Therefore, Language verbally and firstly appeared in the World started from Adam Prophet, and therefore, the Language was created by the God as stated in the Al Qur’an, not human, and human only develops the Languages/dialects depend on situation, condition, and civilization. Therefore, I reject other Scholars’hypotheses who involve in Linguistics and Culture in the World as they still mention that Language is a part of Culture, or created by Human.And I also reject Prof.Darwin’s Hypothesis and Prof.Chaika’s concepts and Hypothesis that Human is also similar to Animals (Monkey). In my analysis, The development of Languages/dialects and Cultures whether verbal skills and non-verbal skills are very different from one another. Animals from baby until adults do not have progress in using Language and Culture, even though somehow physically human looks like animal (monkey). Therefore, hopely, Linguistics can be developed by us as Scholars, since Linguistics is not only needed by Human in spoken and written forms, Teaching and Learning Processes, but it is also needed in Culture, Science and Technology,e.g., Flight, Computer, Handphone, TV Programs, Industry, etc., verbally and non-verbally.Al Qur’an is the basic of revealation of Human the World and Heaven. “God created the Languages and Colours of Human in the World, and Al Qur’an is the excellent Language in the World and Heaven, it is also a basic concept for Human life, and to develop Science and Technology in every field of Science. Lastly, I ask inside and ouside Scholars to consider my hypotheses above, which hyptheses are rejected and accepted depends on every body’s considerations.
Al Qur’an Al Karim dan Terjemahnya Departemen Agama RI. 1996. Semarang: PT.Karya Toha Putra.
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Roach, Peter.2004.”British English: Received Pronunciation”, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 34 (1):24-28.
Seno,Putra.1998.Morphology of Rengat Dialect. Pekanbaru: UIR Press.
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BY SENO H.PUTRA, Drs.,M.Pd.,Ph.D.,Prof
Lecturer of Linguistics, Teacher and Training Education Faculty of the Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru,
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
Rabu, 01 April 2009
Al-Qur’an: Linguistics and Culture Involve In Research and Other Fields of Science
By Seno H. Putra, Drs.,M.Pd.,Ph.D.,Prof
A.Introduction of Language
Everybody, whether Candidate Scholars, Scholars, Scientists, or Layman always ask somebody or themselves: When does firstly the language appear in the World, especially in the verbal skill? And probably then they also ask: Why is language learnt by interested people ? How is language related to other fields of science? Many questions arise from their minds.
If we observe the Heavens and the Earth, no one in the World is able to create them except Allah S.W.T., as the creator of whole Mankind and all Species in this Earth. If we hear and listen various languages or dialects used by people in various Regions, Cities, and Countries in the World, it is Miracle for us. Therefore, questions Rise in our mind! Where do they derive from, or who does create the Languages or dialects exist in the World? These the main problems must be thought over by us as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientists, or others. I am as a Writer, when I read Al-Qur’an in the midnight (Sept,2005), I found that Allah S.W.T., firstly created the various Languages in the World. To convince this can be read in His revelations below.
According to Al-Qur’an (Al-Baqarah/the Cow:Revealed at-Al-Madinah):
“Allah S.W.T., taught Adam Prophet all the names, then showed them to the Angels, saying: inform me of the names of these, if you are truthfully.”
“They said: Be glorifield! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise.”
“He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the Heavens and the Earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide.”
The Romans (Revealed at Mecca): And if His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours.Lo! herein indeed are portents for men of knowledge.”
From above revelations of Allah S.W.T., the next revelations also came up to the last Prophet is Muhammad S.W.T., as the first event occurred in him as stated in Al-Qur’an as follows.
The first revelation came to Muhammad S.A.W Prophet (Rasulullah ) when he was forty years old. He was asleep or in a Trance in the Cave “Hira’” when he heard a voice say:“Read!” He said: “I can not read.” The voice again said: “Read!” He said: “I can not
read.” A third time the voice, more terrible, commanded:“Read!” He said: “What can I read? The voice said:
“Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth.
“Createth man from a clot.
“Read: And it is thy Lord the most Bountiful.
“Who teacheth by the pen,
“Teacheth man that which he knew not.”
Therefore, based on the God’s revelations above as He said to Adam Prophet and Muhammad Prophet, it is clear that various Languages in the World are created by the God. However, we are as human only to develop the Languages used by us depending on situation and condition, social status, geography, and the community where the Languages are. Moreover, as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientist, or others who are interested in a or more Language studies, they are expectedly to be able to find out Language studies in community whether individually, in pairs, groups, or others that can be supported the development of Languages as Regional visions, Cities, Countries.
Language studies can also be considered not only for Teaching and Learning processes in the formal setting, but those can be benefits as Linguistic Contributions, as well as to retain and promote them in the forms of writing to the global world. In other words, still many Languages or dialects with different colours in the World are still not studied yet by us or any Scholars, so that we do not know how the forms, systems, styles, etc., of them, especially in written forms (Seno H.Putra, 2001-2004, and Orasi Ilmiah Diestalis UIR, 2004).
Even though Language is various symbol systems derived from lungs, throut, vocal cords, devices of mouth which can be performed to produce various sounds or phonemes in the combinations of consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes to perform morphemes/words, sentences, discourses, etc., of human communications. Therefore, verbally, Language is not only to send messages from speaker to listener, however, it is also as devices used in Science and Technology (Seno H.Putra, 2004).
B. Culture in Linguistics , but Not Linguistics in Culture
I do apologize to everybody who involves in Linguistic Fields, Cultural fields (Anthropology), and others if I criticize them, such as Prof.Dr.Boas; Prof.Dr.Sapir; Prof.Dr.Chomsky; Prof.Dr.Liemkiat boy; Prof.Dr.Chaika; Prof.Dr.Koencara Ningrat, etc., locally scholars, National Scholars, and International Scholars, but not Language in Culture, Culture in Linguistics. In here, I want to analog (Compare) My Hypotheses with/to other Scholars inside or outsiders’hypotheses that can be presented as follows:
Other Scholars’ Hypotheses (Language is a part of Culture)
Seno’s Hypothesis (Culture is a part of Language)
(1) Other Scholars' Hypotheses Seno's Hypothesis
Language is a part of Culture Culture is a part of Language
(I ask the Scholars to consider the two comparative Hypotheses: Which hypothesis is accepted or rejected?)
Critically, to argue some experts, here I disagree that Language is a part of Culture, but my assumption said that “Culture is a part of Language”. Why is it so? In my mind that language firstly appeared in the World rather than Culture, since culture exists because of the creations of human according to social norms, values, and ethics of the community. Other argumentations from my mind, no Culture mentioned by the God in Al-Qur’an, but only “Language” as Revelations above. Therefore, I recommend that “Culture is a part of Language”, but not Language is a part of Culture as mentioned by many people. And Also to Prof.Dr.Darwin, I argue his hypothesis that “Human is derived from, or looks like Monkey”, but “Human created by the God derived from Land as Adam Creation” (See Al Hijr-28). Moreover, Human created by the God has more potential, innate capacity, Science and Technology, as well as Culture rather than Monkey (animals). In terms of using Language, human develops the Language starting from child untill old, where the Language used by them more development than animals, not only in the systems, rules, and pronunciation, but also in the uses of vocabulary (words), etc.
C. Linguistics in Fields of Science
When we talk over about Linguistics, perhaps we think that only to speak, to write, or only to talk one another. In fact, this is not in such way. Linguistics is also similar to other sciences, even this Language firstly appeared in the World if we compare to other sciences. In other words, no Language whether verbally or non-verbally, no other sciences. So, we are as human must think it over logically, that Linguistics encompasses other branches which can be related to other fields, for examples; Phonology is the science that we study about sounds of Human can also refer to physics and arts; Syntax is the science that We study about arrangements (rules/reconstructions) of the words/morphemes, phrases to perform well sentences into discourse and text can also indicate to Mathematical systems; Morphology is the science that We study about how words formation derived from (stem/root) becomes words classification which have lexical and contextual meanings can also modify Morphological plantation and Economical systems ; Psycholinguistics is the science that we study about Language behavior/mentality individually, in pair, group, etc., that can also refer to the biological processes; Semantics is the science that we study about the meanings of Language involve in words, phrases, sentences, symbols and signals verbally and non-verbally indicate to technological systems; Socio linguistics is the science that we study about Language and dialects used by people in community, in which it tends to Language, Culture, and Sociology; Discourse is the science that we study how we understand the ungrammatical sentences, symbols, and signals through out the Language used by different colours (people); and Pragmatics is the science that we study how sentences or discourses somehow can be interpreted by certain semantics and syntax.
C. Explanations of Linguistic Science
1.What is Phonology?
Phonology is the science that we study about normal Human speeches (sounds) in verbal skills both specifically and universally. Furthermore, the word of Phonology can be separated into terms: {phone} means (sounds + logy) is science, so, Phonology is the science of Human sounds in Language. Clearly, see the diagram (1) below.
No Present the Diagram in here, read the print text!
Human sounds encompass several devices which can produce Linguistic corpuses, for examples, sounds, phonemes, morphemes/words, phrases, sentences, clauses, and texts. The processes of air stream production go out through the lungs, throut, mouth which also consists of teeth, tongue, palate, larynk, lips, etc., that can be performed to become consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes of a language. Clearly, see the diagram (2) below.
No Present the Diagram, read the print text!
2. Why is Phonology learned by Language Students?
In Teaching Learning Processes in the classroom, many fenomena found by us as teachers when the beginners (Students) learn foreign Languages, in here especially English. The problems encountered by us, for examples, (1) Some Consonants of English compared to Indonesian are unfamiliar one another; (2) a few of Vowels of English do not appear in Indonesian; (3) several Diphthongs of English are also different from Indonesian; (4) Supra-segmental phonemes of English are not found in Indonesian; (5) many words of English are sometimes different forms from one another, but sometimes they are the same as abstractness; and so fourth. Therefore, those cases are the main focus must be made out by language students and English teachers in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. To overcome the problems of learning in the classroom are considered not only throughout pronunciation solutions, but also those must be studied and analyzed throughout Phonological Analysis of both forms and abstractness of a Language.
No present the Diagram, read the print text!
4. Relation between Sounds and Sentences
No present the Diagram, read the print text!
In my hyphotesis, I add morphology after phonology, since in the processes of performing the sentences of each language in the world, we need morphemes/words before construction to be well sentences. We can not directly jump to syntax. Therefore, I ask other Scholars to thiik it over: Which hypothesis is accepted?).
Sounds [p], [b], [c], [d], [f], [v], [n], [m], etc in Consonants can not stand alone, and they do not have a meaning at all. However, they must be combined with Vowels to perform morphemes/words. Example, [c] + [h] + [a] + [i] + [r] = Chair. {Chair} means one morpheme and has a meaning (something used for sit). In the word of ‘Chair’ consists of (three consonants and two vowels). In other words, Chair has 6 letters in surface (form), and /t∫eəi:(r)/ has 5 sounds in abstractness (Deep).
5. Morphophonology
There are a few of syllables found into English morphemes/words which can be performed to become their own syllables according to lexical meanings. Semantically, syllable of each word/morpheme of English can also modify differences to its own meaning. In this case, clearly information can be looked up and read in the Dictionary. In addition to this, each of which can be constituency to perform tree - diagram and to find out its elements based on the surface and abstractness forms.
6. Morphology
As stated above, Morphology is a part of Linguistics studies about the formation of words derived from stem/root as seen in a tree formation. Example can be seen below.
From the root of {kind} can be perfomed into three classes of words, such as Adjective Phrase, Verb Phrase, and Noun Phrase based on the affixation processes. The formula exists in the forms of [#/Suf+R=VP/#]> [#/+R+Suf=NP/#]>[#/Pr+R+Suf/#]=VP.
7. Syntax
Syntax is the science studies about the constructions of morphemes/words of Language to perform well sentences based on rules or systems of the Native Speaker. In other words, a good sentence in Syntax must be connected with rules, systems, logic, surface and deep structures. See the example of tree diagram and bracket below.
Compare two Sentences below:
No Present the diagram and examples, read the print text!
From the forms (surface), both sentences are the same structure, rules, and systems. Or in short, those sentences have (NP.1)+(VP)+(NP.2).However, according to Deep (Abstractness), semantically and logically, the sentence no.1 is more accepted by us, because according to Islam, Male proposes Female before wedding party (married Couple), not Female proposes Male. So, eventhough two sentences above have particular meanings semantically, sentence no.1 is more logic.So, in a Language, logic is also needed to analyze words, sentences, clauses, text, etc.
8. Other Branches or fields of Science in Linguistics
Besides above fields of science in Linguistics, there are several branches of Linguistics must be known and learned by us, i.e., Psycholinguistics refers to behavior of Language and innate capacity of Human called “as neurological language”; Socio linguistics or Sociology of language refers to “How the people use Language in community”; Discourse Analysis refers to “What and How to analyze the spoken and written forms of Language”; Linguistics in Education modifies that “How the theory of Linguistics can be applied and educated in Teaching and Learning processes; Applied Linguistics indicates that “Every Language consists of skills as used by human in daily life, etc.
9. Conclusion and Recommendation
Even though Linguistics with its branches has important role is not only in Teaching Learning processes, but also it can be Science and Technology, as well as the Civilization. Therefore, Language verbally and firstly appeared in the World started from Adam Prophet, and therefore, the Language was created by the God as stated in the Al Qur’an, not human, and human only develops the Languages/dialects depend on situation, condition, and civilization. Therefore, I reject other Scholars’hypotheses who involve in Linguistics and Culture in the World as they still mention that Language is a part of Culture, or created by Human.And I also reject Prof.Darwin’s Hypothesis and Prof.Chaika’s concepts and Hypothesis that Human is also similar to Animals (Monkey). In my analysis, The development of Languages/dialects and Cultures whether verbal skills and non-verbal skills are very different from one another. Animals from baby until adults do not have progress in using Language and Culture, even though somehow physically human looks like animal (monkey). Therefore, hopely, Linguistics can be developed by us as Scholars, since Linguistics is not only needed by Human in spoken and written forms, Teaching and Learning Processes, but it is also needed in Culture, Science and Technology,e.g., Flight, Computer, Handphone, TV Programs, Industry, etc., verbally and non-verbally.Al Qur’an is the basic of revealation of Human the World and Heaven. “God created the Languages and Colours of Human in the World, and Al Qur’an is the excellent Language in the World and Heaven, it is also a basic concept for Human life, and to develop Science and Technology in every field of Science. Lastly, I ask inside and ouside Scholars to consider my hypotheses above, which hyptheses are rejected and accepted depends on every body’s considerations.
Al Qur’an Al Karim dan Terjemahnya Departemen Agama RI. 1996. Semarang: PT.Karya Toha Putra.
Chaika.1980.Sociolinguistics in Mirrror.
Crystal, David.1974.What is Linguistics?London:Edward Arnold.
Haji Musa, Hashim.1993.Binaan dan Fungsi Perkataan dalam Bahasa Melayu: Suatu Huraian dari Sudut Tatabahasa Generatif: Selangor Darul Eksan: Percetaan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Lass, Roger.1991. Phonology:An Introduction to Basic Concepts.New York:Cambridge University Press.
Marmaduke Pickthall, Mohammed.2002.The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an.New Delhi:Adam Publishers&Distributors.
Miller,J.1985. Semantics and Syntax.New York:Cambridge University Press.
Noam,Chomsky.1969.Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar.Nederlands:Mouton.
Palmer, F.R.1991.Semantics. NewYork:Cambridge University Press.
Roach, Peter.2004.”British English: Received Pronunciation”, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 34 (1):24-28.
Seno,Putra.1998.Morphology of Rengat Dialect. Pekanbaru: UIR Press.
Seno, Putra. 2000.Introduction to General Linguistics.Pekanbaru:Cedes.
Seno,Putra. 2004.Linguistik dan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Orasi Ilmiah pada Diesnatilis UIR.
Seno,Putra. 1998.Bahasa Melayu dan Penelitiannya. Makalah pada Bulan Bahasa di Sasana Budaya, Pekanbaru.
Seno,Putra. 2001.Linguistics involves in Teaching and Learning English.Makalah dan Jurnal Perspektif .FKIP.
Seno, Putra.2006.Morphosyntax of TM Dialect.Pekanbaru:Unri Press.
Seno,Putra.2006.Morphology of TM Dialect.Pekanbaru:Susqa Press.
Seno, Putra.2003-2007.Pandangan dan Masyarakat TM. Makalah Internacional Pada Atma, UKM dan Jurnal Siasat.Fisipol UIR Pekanbaru.
Seno, H.Putra.2001. Beberapa Piranti dalam Sosiolinguistik.Makalah pada Seminar Bulan Bahasa dan JurnalPerspektif FKIP,UIR Pekanbaru.
Seno, H.Putra.2000.Analisis Wacana dan Bahasa Koran.Makalah Bulan Bahasa pada FKIP, UIR Pekanbaru
Stork,F.C,Widdowson.Learning Linguistics: An Introductory Workbook.London:William Clowes&Sons Limited.
Van Els,Theo.1989.Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages. London,New York:Edward Arnold.
BY SENO H.PUTRA, Drs.,M.Pd.,Ph.D.,Prof
Lecturer of Linguistics, Teacher and Training Education Faculty of the Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru,
A.Introduction of Language
Everybody, whether Candidate Scholars, Scholars, Scientists, or Layman always ask somebody or themselves: When does firstly the language appear in the World, especially in the verbal skill? And probably then they also ask: Why is language learnt by interested people ? How is language related to other fields of science? Many questions arise from their minds.
If we observe the Heavens and the Earth, no one in the World is able to create them except Allah S.W.T., as the creator of whole Mankind and all Species in this Earth. If we hear and listen various languages or dialects used by people in various Regions, Cities, and Countries in the World, it is Miracle for us. Therefore, questions Rise in our mind! Where do they derive from, or who does create the Languages or dialects exist in the World? These the main problems must be thought over by us as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientists, or others. I am as a Writer, when I read Al-Qur’an in the midnight (Sept,2005), I found that Allah S.W.T., firstly created the various Languages in the World. To convince this can be read in His revelations below.
According to Al-Qur’an (Al-Baqarah/the Cow:Revealed at-Al-Madinah):
“Allah S.W.T., taught Adam Prophet all the names, then showed them to the Angels, saying: inform me of the names of these, if you are truthfully.”
“They said: Be glorifield! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise.”
“He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the Heavens and the Earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide.”
The Romans (Revealed at Mecca): And if His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours.Lo! herein indeed are portents for men of knowledge.”
From above revelations of Allah S.W.T., the next revelations also came up to the last Prophet is Muhammad S.W.T., as the first event occurred in him as stated in Al-Qur’an as follows.
The first revelation came to Muhammad S.A.W Prophet (Rasulullah ) when he was forty years old. He was asleep or in a Trance in the Cave “Hira’” when he heard a voice say:“Read!” He said: “I can not read.” The voice again said: “Read!” He said: “I can not
read.” A third time the voice, more terrible, commanded:“Read!” He said: “What can I read? The voice said:
“Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth.
“Createth man from a clot.
“Read: And it is thy Lord the most Bountiful.
“Who teacheth by the pen,
“Teacheth man that which he knew not.”
Therefore, based on the God’s revelations above as He said to Adam Prophet and Muhammad Prophet, it is clear that various Languages in the World are created by the God. However, we are as human only to develop the Languages used by us depending on situation and condition, social status, geography, and the community where the Languages are. Moreover, as Candidate Scholars or Scholars, Scientist, or others who are interested in a or more Language studies, they are expectedly to be able to find out Language studies in community whether individually, in pairs, groups, or others that can be supported the development of Languages as Regional visions, Cities, Countries.
Language studies can also be considered not only for Teaching and Learning processes in the formal setting, but those can be benefits as Linguistic Contributions, as well as to retain and promote them in the forms of writing to the global world. In other words, still many Languages or dialects with different colours in the World are still not studied yet by us or any Scholars, so that we do not know how the forms, systems, styles, etc., of them, especially in written forms (Seno H.Putra, 2001-2004, and Orasi Ilmiah Diestalis UIR, 2004).
Even though Language is various symbol systems derived from lungs, throut, vocal cords, devices of mouth which can be performed to produce various sounds or phonemes in the combinations of consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes to perform morphemes/words, sentences, discourses, etc., of human communications. Therefore, verbally, Language is not only to send messages from speaker to listener, however, it is also as devices used in Science and Technology (Seno H.Putra, 2004).
B. Culture in Linguistics , but Not Linguistics in Culture
I do apologize to everybody who involves in Linguistic Fields, Cultural fields (Anthropology), and others if I criticize them, such as Prof.Dr.Boas; Prof.Dr.Sapir; Prof.Dr.Chomsky; Prof.Dr.Liemkiat boy; Prof.Dr.Chaika; Prof.Dr.Koencara Ningrat, etc., locally scholars, National Scholars, and International Scholars, but not Language in Culture, Culture in Linguistics. In here, I want to analog (Compare) My Hypotheses with/to other Scholars inside or outsiders’hypotheses that can be presented as follows:
Other Scholars’ Hypotheses (Language is a part of Culture)
Seno’s Hypothesis (Culture is a part of Language)
(1) Other Scholars' Hypotheses Seno's Hypothesis
Language is a part of Culture Culture is a part of Language
(I ask the Scholars to consider the two comparative Hypotheses: Which hypothesis is accepted or rejected?)
Critically, to argue some experts, here I disagree that Language is a part of Culture, but my assumption said that “Culture is a part of Language”. Why is it so? In my mind that language firstly appeared in the World rather than Culture, since culture exists because of the creations of human according to social norms, values, and ethics of the community. Other argumentations from my mind, no Culture mentioned by the God in Al-Qur’an, but only “Language” as Revelations above. Therefore, I recommend that “Culture is a part of Language”, but not Language is a part of Culture as mentioned by many people. And Also to Prof.Dr.Darwin, I argue his hypothesis that “Human is derived from, or looks like Monkey”, but “Human created by the God derived from Land as Adam Creation” (See Al Hijr-28). Moreover, Human created by the God has more potential, innate capacity, Science and Technology, as well as Culture rather than Monkey (animals). In terms of using Language, human develops the Language starting from child untill old, where the Language used by them more development than animals, not only in the systems, rules, and pronunciation, but also in the uses of vocabulary (words), etc.
C. Linguistics in Fields of Science
When we talk over about Linguistics, perhaps we think that only to speak, to write, or only to talk one another. In fact, this is not in such way. Linguistics is also similar to other sciences, even this Language firstly appeared in the World if we compare to other sciences. In other words, no Language whether verbally or non-verbally, no other sciences. So, we are as human must think it over logically, that Linguistics encompasses other branches which can be related to other fields, for examples; Phonology is the science that we study about sounds of Human can also refer to physics and arts; Syntax is the science that We study about arrangements (rules/reconstructions) of the words/morphemes, phrases to perform well sentences into discourse and text can also indicate to Mathematical systems; Morphology is the science that We study about how words formation derived from (stem/root) becomes words classification which have lexical and contextual meanings can also modify Morphological plantation and Economical systems ; Psycholinguistics is the science that we study about Language behavior/mentality individually, in pair, group, etc., that can also refer to the biological processes; Semantics is the science that we study about the meanings of Language involve in words, phrases, sentences, symbols and signals verbally and non-verbally indicate to technological systems; Socio linguistics is the science that we study about Language and dialects used by people in community, in which it tends to Language, Culture, and Sociology; Discourse is the science that we study how we understand the ungrammatical sentences, symbols, and signals through out the Language used by different colours (people); and Pragmatics is the science that we study how sentences or discourses somehow can be interpreted by certain semantics and syntax.
C. Explanations of Linguistic Science
1.What is Phonology?
Phonology is the science that we study about normal Human speeches (sounds) in verbal skills both specifically and universally. Furthermore, the word of Phonology can be separated into terms: {phone} means (sounds + logy) is science, so, Phonology is the science of Human sounds in Language. Clearly, see the diagram (1) below.
No Present the Diagram in here, read the print text!
Human sounds encompass several devices which can produce Linguistic corpuses, for examples, sounds, phonemes, morphemes/words, phrases, sentences, clauses, and texts. The processes of air stream production go out through the lungs, throut, mouth which also consists of teeth, tongue, palate, larynk, lips, etc., that can be performed to become consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and supra-segmental phonemes of a language. Clearly, see the diagram (2) below.
No Present the Diagram, read the print text!
2. Why is Phonology learned by Language Students?
In Teaching Learning Processes in the classroom, many fenomena found by us as teachers when the beginners (Students) learn foreign Languages, in here especially English. The problems encountered by us, for examples, (1) Some Consonants of English compared to Indonesian are unfamiliar one another; (2) a few of Vowels of English do not appear in Indonesian; (3) several Diphthongs of English are also different from Indonesian; (4) Supra-segmental phonemes of English are not found in Indonesian; (5) many words of English are sometimes different forms from one another, but sometimes they are the same as abstractness; and so fourth. Therefore, those cases are the main focus must be made out by language students and English teachers in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. To overcome the problems of learning in the classroom are considered not only throughout pronunciation solutions, but also those must be studied and analyzed throughout Phonological Analysis of both forms and abstractness of a Language.
No present the Diagram, read the print text!
4. Relation between Sounds and Sentences
No present the Diagram, read the print text!
In my hyphotesis, I add morphology after phonology, since in the processes of performing the sentences of each language in the world, we need morphemes/words before construction to be well sentences. We can not directly jump to syntax. Therefore, I ask other Scholars to thiik it over: Which hypothesis is accepted?).
Sounds [p], [b], [c], [d], [f], [v], [n], [m], etc in Consonants can not stand alone, and they do not have a meaning at all. However, they must be combined with Vowels to perform morphemes/words. Example, [c] + [h] + [a] + [i] + [r] = Chair. {Chair} means one morpheme and has a meaning (something used for sit). In the word of ‘Chair’ consists of (three consonants and two vowels). In other words, Chair has 6 letters in surface (form), and /t∫eəi:(r)/ has 5 sounds in abstractness (Deep).
5. Morphophonology
There are a few of syllables found into English morphemes/words which can be performed to become their own syllables according to lexical meanings. Semantically, syllable of each word/morpheme of English can also modify differences to its own meaning. In this case, clearly information can be looked up and read in the Dictionary. In addition to this, each of which can be constituency to perform tree - diagram and to find out its elements based on the surface and abstractness forms.
6. Morphology
As stated above, Morphology is a part of Linguistics studies about the formation of words derived from stem/root as seen in a tree formation. Example can be seen below.
From the root of {kind} can be perfomed into three classes of words, such as Adjective Phrase, Verb Phrase, and Noun Phrase based on the affixation processes. The formula exists in the forms of [#/Suf+R=VP/#]> [#/+R+Suf=NP/#]>[#/Pr+R+Suf/#]=VP.
7. Syntax
Syntax is the science studies about the constructions of morphemes/words of Language to perform well sentences based on rules or systems of the Native Speaker. In other words, a good sentence in Syntax must be connected with rules, systems, logic, surface and deep structures. See the example of tree diagram and bracket below.
Compare two Sentences below:
No Present the diagram and examples, read the print text!
From the forms (surface), both sentences are the same structure, rules, and systems. Or in short, those sentences have (NP.1)+(VP)+(NP.2).However, according to Deep (Abstractness), semantically and logically, the sentence no.1 is more accepted by us, because according to Islam, Male proposes Female before wedding party (married Couple), not Female proposes Male. So, eventhough two sentences above have particular meanings semantically, sentence no.1 is more logic.So, in a Language, logic is also needed to analyze words, sentences, clauses, text, etc.
8. Other Branches or fields of Science in Linguistics
Besides above fields of science in Linguistics, there are several branches of Linguistics must be known and learned by us, i.e., Psycholinguistics refers to behavior of Language and innate capacity of Human called “as neurological language”; Socio linguistics or Sociology of language refers to “How the people use Language in community”; Discourse Analysis refers to “What and How to analyze the spoken and written forms of Language”; Linguistics in Education modifies that “How the theory of Linguistics can be applied and educated in Teaching and Learning processes; Applied Linguistics indicates that “Every Language consists of skills as used by human in daily life, etc.
9. Conclusion and Recommendation
Even though Linguistics with its branches has important role is not only in Teaching Learning processes, but also it can be Science and Technology, as well as the Civilization. Therefore, Language verbally and firstly appeared in the World started from Adam Prophet, and therefore, the Language was created by the God as stated in the Al Qur’an, not human, and human only develops the Languages/dialects depend on situation, condition, and civilization. Therefore, I reject other Scholars’hypotheses who involve in Linguistics and Culture in the World as they still mention that Language is a part of Culture, or created by Human.And I also reject Prof.Darwin’s Hypothesis and Prof.Chaika’s concepts and Hypothesis that Human is also similar to Animals (Monkey). In my analysis, The development of Languages/dialects and Cultures whether verbal skills and non-verbal skills are very different from one another. Animals from baby until adults do not have progress in using Language and Culture, even though somehow physically human looks like animal (monkey). Therefore, hopely, Linguistics can be developed by us as Scholars, since Linguistics is not only needed by Human in spoken and written forms, Teaching and Learning Processes, but it is also needed in Culture, Science and Technology,e.g., Flight, Computer, Handphone, TV Programs, Industry, etc., verbally and non-verbally.Al Qur’an is the basic of revealation of Human the World and Heaven. “God created the Languages and Colours of Human in the World, and Al Qur’an is the excellent Language in the World and Heaven, it is also a basic concept for Human life, and to develop Science and Technology in every field of Science. Lastly, I ask inside and ouside Scholars to consider my hypotheses above, which hyptheses are rejected and accepted depends on every body’s considerations.
Al Qur’an Al Karim dan Terjemahnya Departemen Agama RI. 1996. Semarang: PT.Karya Toha Putra.
Chaika.1980.Sociolinguistics in Mirrror.
Crystal, David.1974.What is Linguistics?London:Edward Arnold.
Haji Musa, Hashim.1993.Binaan dan Fungsi Perkataan dalam Bahasa Melayu: Suatu Huraian dari Sudut Tatabahasa Generatif: Selangor Darul Eksan: Percetaan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Lass, Roger.1991. Phonology:An Introduction to Basic Concepts.New York:Cambridge University Press.
Marmaduke Pickthall, Mohammed.2002.The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an.New Delhi:Adam Publishers&Distributors.
Miller,J.1985. Semantics and Syntax.New York:Cambridge University Press.
Noam,Chomsky.1969.Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar.Nederlands:Mouton.
Palmer, F.R.1991.Semantics. NewYork:Cambridge University Press.
Roach, Peter.2004.”British English: Received Pronunciation”, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 34 (1):24-28.
Seno,Putra.1998.Morphology of Rengat Dialect. Pekanbaru: UIR Press.
Seno, Putra. 2000.Introduction to General Linguistics.Pekanbaru:Cedes.
Seno,Putra. 2004.Linguistik dan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Orasi Ilmiah pada Diesnatilis UIR.
Seno,Putra. 1998.Bahasa Melayu dan Penelitiannya. Makalah pada Bulan Bahasa di Sasana Budaya, Pekanbaru.
Seno,Putra. 2001.Linguistics involves in Teaching and Learning English.Makalah dan Jurnal Perspektif .FKIP.
Seno, Putra.2006.Morphosyntax of TM Dialect.Pekanbaru:Unri Press.
Seno,Putra.2006.Morphology of TM Dialect.Pekanbaru:Susqa Press.
Seno, Putra.2003-2007.Pandangan dan Masyarakat TM. Makalah Internacional Pada Atma, UKM dan Jurnal Siasat.Fisipol UIR Pekanbaru.
Seno, H.Putra.2001. Beberapa Piranti dalam Sosiolinguistik.Makalah pada Seminar Bulan Bahasa dan JurnalPerspektif FKIP,UIR Pekanbaru.
Seno, H.Putra.2000.Analisis Wacana dan Bahasa Koran.Makalah Bulan Bahasa pada FKIP, UIR Pekanbaru
Stork,F.C,Widdowson.Learning Linguistics: An Introductory Workbook.London:William Clowes&Sons Limited.
Van Els,Theo.1989.Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages. London,New York:Edward Arnold.
BY SENO H.PUTRA, Drs.,M.Pd.,Ph.D.,Prof
Lecturer of Linguistics, Teacher and Training Education Faculty of the Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru,
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